Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

James Kirk

Second Advisor

Bernard Weinrich

Third Advisor

Arthur Prell


This study was designed to investigate the managerial environment, attitude, and experience of the American employees who were involved in the American multi national corporation which operates in the Saudi Arabia . Due to the multicultural nature of t his kind of global business setting many problems were generated because of cultural differences in values, belief systems, education, and economics.

The instrument used in the study was a survey designed by the author and arranged to secure data that would give a broad spectrum of the whole operation, in its varied and different components. The survey was distributed through the mail system to American managers in the middle management level who experienced life in Saudi environment.

After the information was collected it was summarized and analyzed. In summation the study concluded: 1) The study examined the Micro, Macro and Intermediate environments at the American multinational corporation in the Saudi culture. 2) The analysis of the survey proved the existence of the following problems: complexity of interpersonal relationships resulting from the language barrier; The existence of preconceived negative attitudes and ideas concerning the "other" culture; The difference between the Islamic culture and the Western culture regarding their ideas concerning laws and regulations which hamper working conditions. These problems and others generated a significant degree of difficulty in the social interaction among the various cultures and made it seem almost impossible for total adjustment of foreign businessmen in the Saudi environment.

As a result of this information, solutions to the existing problems were furnished in t he recommendation section. Further study should be done by contacting Saudi managers to obtain their point of view,.

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Business Commons
