
Journal of International and Global Studies


Intended to shed light on the debate on the results of globalization and provide better understanding of the influences of globalization upon China as well as the world, this article traces the history of Shanghai’s economic globalization over the past 170 years since 1843 and demonstrates the benefits and problems Shanghai received from (or connected to) its economic globalization. Divided into three sections (Globalization, de-globalization and re-globalization of Shanghai’s economy; Manufacturing-Oriented vs. Tertiary-oriented—Shanghai’s Double Priority Strategy of Economic Growth; Free market, state enterprises, and Shanghai’s mixed economy) the article summarizes and analyzes several characteristics that made Shanghai a unique model in the history of globalization: In adapting and adopting inevitable economic globalization, Shanghai created its unique model of economic development—widely embracing economic globalization; placing Shanghai’s economy on a solid foundation of both strong modern manufacturing and strong tertiary industry (consisting of finance and insurance, real estate, transportations, post and telecommunication, wholesale and retailing); and creating a mixed economic structure with hybrid of private and state owned enterprises. The Shanghai model proves that globalization has been an unavoidable trend as science and technology have made the world “smaller” and “smaller.” Actively engaging into economic globalization is the only way for Shanghai, as well as many developing countries, to accelerate its economic growth.

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