"A Diary Entry" by Amanda Sciandra

Arrow Rock

Arrow Rock

Author Bio

As a child Amanda was an anchor for a kids’ segment on her local TV station. Asked if she wanted to be an anchor woman when she grew up she replied frankly: “If I have nothing better to do.” Since that day Amanda has, in fact, found better things to do including gathering 100 subs to her AOL ‘zine, quitting high-level gymnastics, earning a GED at age 16, taking up BMX freestyle, living in a tent, wasting her early 20s pursuing international rock-stardom, giving birth to her daughter in an 800sq ft studio apartment in LA, becoming a wife and bonus-mom to two more kiddos, becoming an entrepreneur, and finally becoming a non-traditional English Major at Lindenwood University where she is the oldest member of the Lindenwood BMX Racing Team. After graduating, Amanda would like to pursue post-grad education and obtain a Master’s and/or PhD. Amanda hates taking photos so enjoy a potato-quality pic of the late Hidey-cat instead.

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