Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Peter Carlos


The texts and accompanying media bound herein represent the culmination of an intensive course of study focused on writing for the screen, or screenwriting, and are submitted as partial fulfillment of Lindenwood University's requirements for the degree of master of fine arts.

This culminating project is comprised of a feature-length motion picture screenplay, an accompanying introduction to the author/explanation of the screenplay, and a DVD copy of a televised discussion program (hosted by the author with a professional Hollywood screenwriter as guest) dealing with the craft of screenwriting.

The screenplay, titled Indian Giver, expands on the basic comedic premise of an aging miscreant with numerous vices who is forced into donating one of his kidneys to another man after getting into a drunk-driving accident, then after making the donation, decides that the man is a scoundrel/fraud (worse than even him) and attempts to take back his kidney. This premise is greatly expanded upon as the story develops over the course of three acts. In addition, the reader should also pay close attention to a subplot involving the main character's struggle for redemption in the eyes of his family and friends, which is also developed within the three-act structure. Finally, it is important to note that the final,

completed version of Indian Giver (published herein) is 120 pages in length and strictly adheres to accepted industry standards (not MLA) in regards to issues of formatting.

Placed immediately before the screenplay is a brief, 10-page introduction/explanation that will provide the reader with some background information on the author and discuss the evolution of the story, including notes on the characters and several not-so-hidden plot references to American popular culture contained within the screenplay.

The final entry to this project is a DVD copy of an episode of the television discussion program Mixed Media (produced by and broadcast on Lindenwood University's LU-TV26) dealing exclusively with the subject of screenwriting. The DVD contains the episode titled ''Paul Guyot: Screenwriter," in which the author (acting as host and interviewer) discusses the craft of screenwriting with Paul Guyot, a professional Hollywood screenwriter with several hit television shows to his credit. The program runs approximately 30 minutes in length, and the enclosed DVD copy should be compatible with most consumer DVD players.
